阮劇團 < 陳文成的證明題 >

#超划演出 #阮粉別錯過
✦阮劇團藝術總監 #汪兆謙 親自執導
✦《鬼地方》前製演出劇本改編之一 #郭家瑋 編劇

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  • 鄧維祥:顧軒
  • 陳素貞:何冠儀
  • 鄒小韓:黃昶然(第一週)、鄭國偉(第二週)
​要看記得買 #覺醒青春票https://wenk.io/t06XRRuN
更多戶外演出節目表➯ https://thegrasstrawfestival.ourtheatre.net/outdoor/


陳文成的證明題 相關討論影片:

人權藝術生活節 阮劇團搬戲討論轉型正義 | 公視台語台 | 20231201



節目介紹Program Introduction


Today is Chen Wen-Cheng's 100th birthday! At the birthday party organized by his wife, Chen Suzhen, a long-lost friend, Deng Weixiang, unexpectedly made an appearance. However, the two of them got into a heated argument over the details of an event, even doubting each other. To their surprise, Zou Xiaohan, who had interrogated Chen Wen-Cheng shortly after the incident and then left Taiwan not long after, also showed up uninvited. With Zou Xiaohan's visit, will it bring forth more truths or further obscure the "truth" in this perplexing situation?





As societal norms gradually open up with the passage of time, events that were once swept under the rug can now become the central focus of artistic works. However, from a perspective standpoint, if the sole purpose is to merely depict the violence of a bygone era, condemn it, or seek revenge, and after the audience derives a sense of catharsis, their understanding of the era may remain unshaken. In this context, history becomes just another sensational story.

If we attempt to return to the events themselves through historical records, we'll find that everything is filled with irrelevant and sometimes contradictory details. These scattered details may not fit neatly into a single coherent narrative, yet they constitute a part of human experience. Humans are complex, inconsistent, both weak and strong, stubborn and compromising. These details lie at the heart of this play because they transcend established ideologies and invite the audience to reevaluate history.

Therefore, what the audience sees in the theater is not a reenactment of the Chen Wen-Cheng incident, nor is it a reinterpretation of blame and compassion between perpetrators and victims. Instead, during the performance, they continuously discover similarities between themselves and the characters, gradually shifting their perspective to the shared identity of "ordinary people." In doing so, we can better comprehend how unsettling the times were when even ordinary individuals could suffer. It is through this lens that we might truly remember something from history.

Rather than considering "Chen Wen-Chen's Proof" as a work discussing a particular issue, I prefer to position it as a reflection on how people continue to exist after an event. Under the viewpoint where forgetting is defined as a betrayal, the pursuit of justice is indeed carried out, but it fails to address the personal toll and exhaustion individuals experience when remembering an era. Yet, the obsession with the event also makes it impossible to easily choose to forget. People always navigate such contradictions, and there are no definitive answers. Audiences must leave with this question in mind, returning to their lives and to the process of revisiting history. This is the question I hope to pose through "Chen Wen-Chen's Proof".
團隊介紹Performer Introduction

阮劇團 - 阮的故事,咱來交陪





In 2003, a group of young individuals under the age of twenty established the first modern theater company in their hometown of Chiayi, named "Our Theatre."

The name "Our Theatre" signifies "us" in the local Taiwanese dialect. This theater company is dedicated to the preservation and transmission of local culture, the integration of experimental elements, and innovative interpretations, while constantly striving for creativity. Over the years, Our Theatre has developed a unique artistic style, carving out a distinctive path in Taiwan's performing arts scene.

"Social welfare" is another area of equal concern for Our Theatre. Through drama education, they aim to bring creativity and clear critical thinking to the public. Our Theatre firmly believes that drama not only inspires hearts but also serves as a catalyst for life transformation. If this belief can be spread, theater can usher in diverse possibilities for society.

In addition to introspection and exploration, Our Theatre actively collaborates with domestic and international artists and theater companies. On one hand, they expand their international perspective and draw from different sources of inspiration. On the other hand, they aim to showcase Taiwan's excellence in performing arts to the world. Furthermore, through their theater company's system, Our Theatre provides a learning and growth platform for young individuals aspiring to pursue the performing arts. With each new batch of talented newcomers joining, it signifies a continuous injection of energy into the local arts scene.
Looking towards the future, Our Theatre eagerly anticipates sharing new stories with even more friends. They not only aim to pursue excellence and create more astonishing performance works, leading the audience to experience the irreplaceable characteristics of theater, but also feel a sense of responsibility towards society, addressing contemporary issues and bringing about a more profound impact on the world of performing arts!
  • 節目長度:80分鐘    Program Length: 80 minutes
  • 建議觀賞年齡:7歲以上    Recommended Age: 7 years old and above
  • 使用語言:華語、臺語    Language: Chinese, Taiwanese
  • 本節目採現場排隊,自由入座觀賞。This performance allows on-site queueing for open seating.



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