Chrome Apps 以及HTML5 ?! 新世界


Chrome Apps deliver an experience as capable as a native app, but as safe as a web page. Just like web apps, Chrome Apps are written in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. But Chrome Apps look and behave like native apps, and they have native-like capabilities that are much more powerful than those available to web apps.

Chrome Apps 就是用網頁語言單是想要做成像原生的App一樣,如果是網頁開發者應該很容易上手,因為語言相同,同樣的一份Code,可以用Chrome Browser直接打開網址,也可以藉由Chrome App的擴充功能(Extension)打開,也可以在Chrome Book(Chrome OS )上打開。

上圖顯示的是用Browser直接打開 localhost的 Hello World 以及載入extension 後開啟的小視窗版Hello World。

Hello World的程式碼

Chrome Apps 的基本,就是要可以local 處理

Chrome Apps get the following for free:
    • Your app’s files—all of its JavaScript, CSS, and fonts, plus other resources it needs (such as images)—are already downloaded.
    • Your app can save and optionally sync small amounts of data using the Chrome Storage API.
    • Your app can detect changes in connectivity by listening for online and offline events.

  • Use local data whenever possible.
When using resources from the internet, use XMLHttpRequest to get it, and then save the data locally. You can use the Chrome Storage API, IndexedDB, or Filesystem API to save data locally.
  • Separate your app’s UI from its data.
Separating the UI and data not only improves your app's design and eases the task of enabling offline usage, but also lets you provide other views of the user's data. An MVC framework can help you keep the UI and data separate.
  • Assume your app can be closed at any time.
Save application state (both locally and remotely, when possible) so that users can pick up wherever they left off.
  • Test your app thoroughly.
Make sure your app works well in both common and tricky scenarios.



Google Search



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