G7支持台灣加入WHA及WHO 一起為地球盡一份心力


#七大工業國集團 (G7)近日在義大利召開外長會議,並發表聯合聲明重申 #台海和平穩定 對整體國際社會的重要性 ,同時支持台灣有意義參與國際組織,包括 #世界衛生大會 (WHA)及 #世界衛生組織 (WHO)💪




MOFA welcomes the reiteration of the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as indispensable to security and prosperity for the whole international community, included in the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué. 

The communiqué also called for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, including the World Health Assembly and WHO technical meetings. 

In the communiqué, the foreign ministers also expressed concern about the situation in the East and South China seas and their opposition to unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion. 

As an important Indo-Pacific nation and a stakeholder in the international community, Taiwan will continue to work with the G7 and other like-minded countries to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific region, safeguarding the rules-based international order and strengthening the resilience of democracies worldwide.


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