





Hello everyone,
Nine Sols crowdfunding campaign is now live till May 8. Check out the page to learn more about the game itself or support us directly. (Check the comment for the link of the crowdfunding page)
Nine Sols is a fast-paced 2D action platformer rich in narrative. Our aim is to craft an immersive hand-drawn world with a fresh Asian fantasy setting. This project is by far the most ambitious one for our studio. For the past two years, we’ve spent considerable time and effort testing/modifying the core combat mechanics. It’s not until now that we finally feel confident enough to share our development progress with you.

The main goal of this crowdfunding campaign is to know what you, the player, think of our game. And therefore regardless of the campaign result, Nine Sols is planned to release officially on Q2 2023.While it would be nice to have your financial support, and depending on the amount of money raised, it may give us more resources to enhance the overall gaming experience, please do not spend money you do not have. Support comes in many ways, and we feel grateful already to have your interest in our game. Most importantly, please stay safe during this turbulent situation.If you like what we’re doing with this new game, feel free to support or simply share the news with your friends.

Nine Sols - Crowdfunding Trailer


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