外交部聲明支持烏克蘭 中華民國台灣政府嚴厲譴責俄羅斯違反《聯合國憲章》入侵烏克蘭,並加入國際社會對俄國的經濟制裁
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Press Release No. 038
February 25, 2022
The Republic of China (Taiwan) government strongly condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter, joins international economic sanctions against Russia
The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) strongly condemns Russia’s decision to start a war in violation of the UN Charter by invading Ukraine and occupying Ukrainian territory by force. This action has jeopardized regional and global peace and stability. It also poses the most serious threat and challenge to the rules-based international order and system of international laws that maintain and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.
As a member of the global democratic alliance, the Republic of China (Taiwan) staunchly defends the core universal values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. The government deeply regrets that Russia, instead of resolving disputes through peaceful diplomatic negotiations, has chosen to use force and intimidation in bullying others. In order to compel Russia to halt its military aggression against Ukraine, and to restart peaceful dialogue among all parties concerned as soon as possible, the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) announces it will join international economic sanctions against Russia.
The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) once again calls for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity to be respected. Taiwan opposes any unilateral change to the status quo by force or coercion, and supports peaceful, rational dialogue and negotiation among related countries under the framework of international law to resolve differences. Taiwan will continue to coordinate closely with the United States and other like-minded countries to adopt appropriate measures in order to free Ukraine from the horrors of war, as well as restore, at the earliest time, peace and stability to the region and the world. (E)
台灣是世界重要的良善力量,除了捐27噸醫療物資以外,外交部為了結合政府及民間力量協助烏克蘭難民,已經成立專戶,自即日(3/2)接受ATM 、銀行轉帳,自明天(3/3)起可接受各界線上刷卡捐款,為期1個月!
- 賑災基金會的烏克蘭專戶資訊如下:
- 戶名:財團法人賑災基金會
- 銀行名稱:土地銀行 長春分行
- 銀行帳號:102-005-124-619
***** 線上刷卡捐款連結:https://wabay.tw/projects/twuk *****
As well as donating 27 tons of medicine and medical equipment to Ukraine, MOFA has established a donation fund to help the people of Ukraine. It is now accepting donations, so why not show you #StandWithUkraine and its people in these difficult times:
Transfer details are as below:
Account name: 財團法人賑災基金會
Bank name: Land Bank of Taiwan (005)
Account number: 102-005-124-619
The account will be open to donations for a whole month starting today.