[HMD Global] 台灣赫名迪股份有限公司 是芬蘭商HMD Global Oy在台設立的子公司 手機軟體開發商 主要做Nokia手機

台灣赫名迪股份有限公司 是芬蘭商HMD Global Oy在台設立的子公司,在歐、美、亞、非及大洋各洲超過50個據點設有辦公室營業處。HMD是一間Nokia品牌手機研發設計及銷售之公司,本公司產品包括智慧型手機、功能性手機及平板,全球將近千名員工。台灣子公司成立於2017年並位於土城工業區內及板橋區,有近40名員工,是集團內部重要的研發中心及後勤單位。


 HMD Global Oy is the home of Nokia phones. A start-up founded in Espoo, Finland, we are a collective of passionate and experienced people including some of the most talented and well-recognised leaders in the mobile industry today. Our aim is to create amazing mobile technology for everyone. We design and deliver trusted and innovative products under the iconic Nokia brand; products that are created to meet the diverse needs of global consumers, that are useful for everyone and that make life more exciting and inspiring for these consumers and our shared communities. We do this by bringing together the best of the industry to leverage world-class partnerships with manufacturers, operating systems, brands and suppliers. Consumers today are seeking relationships with brands that they can trust. T

he Nokia brand has over 150 years of heritage giving it an authentic, differentiating experience which we are proud to introduce to a new generation of mobile fans. We are proud to be writing the next chapter of the Nokia phones story. To find out more about us visit us here - www.hmdglobal.com


HMD 主要做Nokia手機,來看看這台Nokia 8.3 5G 第一支5G手機的影片:

Nokia 8.3 5G - Elevate your creativity


Google Search




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