CRO (Crypto .com) 申請推薦碼 kpvtnqfy27 推薦功能 定期定額買幣


CRO (Crypto .com) 申請推薦碼  kpvtnqfy27 推薦功能 定期定額買幣

境外 Fintech 新創  CRO (Crypto .com) 搭上了 VISA 的加速器後,正式成為 VISA 會員,
裡面超級貼心的定期定額支付功能,每月最低 50 元美金定期買幣喔!
申辦前後輸入推薦碼,你我都可獲得額外 $25 美金獎勵喔!)



目前測試主要是用HSBC匯豐 現金回饋信用卡 (VISA),成功購買。


How does it work? 

  1. Share your referral link 
  2. Friend completes sign up, passes KYC verification and gets Sign Up-Bonus ($25 USD* in CRO locked in their CRO Wallet) which is unlocked by staking CRO for a Visa Card. 
  3. You get $25 USD* in CRO in your CRO Wallet instantly once they have successfully reserved a Metal Visa Card.

  1. Go to your Rewards page via the Super App Menu, tap on the “Lion” icon
  2. Tap on Referral Bonus balance “See Details”
  3. Tap on “Share Now” next to your referral code

How to get the $25 bonus?

Your referrals have to stake CRO ( Visa Card Reservation) to unlock their sign-up bonus and for you to receive your referral bonus. They may purchase the CRO in-app via Credit/Debit Card, Crypto Wallet, or Bank Transfer.

Note: The equivalent USD:CRO rate is calculated based on your referrals’ sign-up bonus unlock time (when they complete a valid transaction). While your referrals’ USD:CRO rate is calculated based on the sign-up bonus lock time when they register to the referral program successfully.

How do my referrals register for the sign-up bonus successfully?

  1. Submit email via referral link (Example:
  2. Download App on App Store or Google Play
  3. Sign up with the submitted email
  4. Confirm email via App within 72 hours after email submission via       Referral Link Web Portal
  5. Continue KYC verification by submitting phone number, confirming it
    and submitting identification documents
  6. KYC verification success. Receive email and push notification for receiving referral bonus.
  7. See the locked sign-up bonus in Rewards page via Home Screen gift icon or Lion  Button Rewards tab

Note: If your referrals fail to confirm email via App within 72 hours after email submission via Referral Link Web Portal, the referral registration would be invalid and they’ll have to re-submit email again via Web Portal or follow option B.

Option B. Add Referral Code via App Sign-Up Screen

  1. Download App on App Store or Google Play 
  2. Tap on “Invited? Add Referral Code” above “Sign Up” button 
  3. Add the shared referral code or the code embedded within referral link URL:
  4. Submit and confirm your email. Referral submission success
  5. Continue KYC verification by submitting phone number, confirm it and submitting identification document. KYC verification success
  6. Receive email and push notification for receiving referral bonus
  7. See the locked sign-up bonus in Rewards page via Home Screen gift icon or Lion Button Rewards tab

Note: If your referrals fail to enter the referral code on the App sign-up screen, the referral code can be added via App Settings -> Referral Code, within 5 days from having your account KYC approved.

有任何問題,歡迎留言討論,一起來研究加密貨幣投資 !!!


個人推薦消費神卡聯邦賴點卡,歡迎使用這個推薦連結,透過連結申辦可以賺回饋的 300 LINE POINT ! 新戶優惠最高達 1300 賴點。



國內刷卡 2%回饋。
國外刷卡 3%回饋。


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