老牌書籤網站del.icio.us 也暫停營業了? 另外推薦8 個RSS reader網站,來試試看新的書籤網站吧 !!!

老牌書籤網站del.icio.us 也暫停營業了?   另外推薦8 個RSS reader網站,來試試看新的書籤網站吧 !!!



social bookmarks

July 15, 2020

Hi, my name is Maciej Ceglowski, the latest (and hopefully last) owner of del.icio.us.

The site will be back online soon. If you had data stored on del.icio.us after 2010, you'll be able to export it here.

If you had data on the site before 2010, whether I still have it depends on whether you completed the "opt-in" process in 2011, when Yahoo transferred the site to AVOS.

I'll do my best to get everything I can back online this summer!

You can reach me at maciej@ceglowski.com


希望在疫情結束後網站可以恢復阿 !!!

會突然想找這個網站,主要是在整理FeedBurner / RSS feed時 發現有一個功能之前沒有打開:

Link Splicer

Share collected links in your feed, too! Splice your blog feed with your links feed from one of the popular link collection services listed below. This service adds a new item to your FeedBurner feed that contains new links you have added to your link collection account. How often link items are added to your feed depends on your Splice Links choice below.


Link service: 


這真是太殘酷了阿 ~~~~
Blog / 書籤網站 真的沒落了阿 ?


認真追了一下Digg 發現原本的功能 Digg Reader也在三前年關了:

2017 Goodbye to Digg Reader

Digg Reader is shutting down on March 26, 2018. Bummer, we know. We’d like to thank you for using Digg Reader for the past four years, and we’d also like you to have your feeds and keep reading them where you want. Thankfully, this is pretty easy.

If you haven’t already exported your Feeds in an OPML xml file, just go to digg.com/settings and Scroll down to Export and Download your subscriptions. Select where you want to save and you’ll be able to Import it to another reader service. This is your data, and we want to make sure you have it.

Other services that can import your OPML include

另外推薦8 個RSS reader網站,來試試看新的書籤網站吧 !!!



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