飛人卡特 Vince Carter正式宣布退休 43歲 征戰NBA 22季

Vince Carter正式宣布退休 43歲 征戰NBA 22季


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NBA飛人的無悔迫降:Vince Carter正式宣布退休
運動視界-5 小時前
嘗盡人生百態,體會高低起伏的Carter,有著更貼近我們生命的NBA歷程--也許不是最頂尖,但絕對最精采,也最真實。 作者:中壢小跑車. 0 ...
NBA》飛人降落Vince Carter正式宣布退休
FOX體育台-10 小時前

再見了!半人半神! Vince Carter 正式宣布高掛球鞋結束22 年 ...
DONGTW動網 (新聞發布)-9 小時前

Vince Carter所效力的亞特蘭大老鷹,目前戰績是聯盟最差的四支球隊之一,勢必將會被排除在復賽的隊伍行列之外、提前結束今年的賽事。因此當復賽 ...
「半人半神」Vince Carter 22 年NBA 球員生涯或將正式完結



Vince Carter is retiring from the NBA after 22 seasons
CNN-3 小時前
(CNN) After 22 seasons in the NBA, Vince Carter is hanging up his threads and calling it a career. The 43-year-old on Thursday announced ...
Vince Carter 'officially done' after 22 years in NBA
國際-ESPN-10 小時前

Vince Carter officially retires from the NBA after 22 years
CBS News-7 小時前

Ex-Mav Vince Carter officially announces retirement from NBA
網誌-The Dallas Morning News (blog)-10 小時前

Former Raptors star Vince Carter, 43, retires after record 22 ...
Times Colonist-9 小時前
Carter won the NBA rookie of the year award in 1999, and the dunk contest in 2000 while with Toronto. Carter's first season was the 1998-99 ...

Vince Carter retires after record 22 NBA seasons
Fox11online.com-8 小時前
Carter appeared in 1,541 NBA games, behind only Robert Parish (1,611) and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (1,560) on the league's all-time list. He ...

Vince Carter, 43, retiring from NBA after record 22-year career
UPI.com-42 分鐘前
June 25 (UPI) -- Eight-time All-Star selection Vince Carter is retiring from the NBA after a record 22-year career in the league. Advertisement.


Vincent Lamar Carter Jr. (born January 26, 1977) is an American former professional basketball player who played 22 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m) tall and primarily played the shooting guard and small forward positions, but occasionally played power forward later in his career. Carter is the only player in NBA history to play 22 seasons, and the only player to play in four different decades (1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s).[1] Carter has been ranked as one of the greatest dunkers of all time.[2][3][4][5]

A high school McDonald's All-American, Carter played college basketball for three years with the North Carolina Tar Heels and twice advanced to the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament. He was selected with the fifth overall pick in the 1998 NBA draft by the Golden State Warriors, who traded him to the Toronto Raptors.

Carter emerged as a star in Toronto. He won the 1999 NBA Rookie of the Year Award and won the Slam Dunk Contest at the 2000 NBA All-Star Weekend. That summer, he represented the United States in the Summer Olympics, winning a gold medal. He entertained crowds with his leaping ability and slam dunks, earning nicknames such as "Vinsanity", "Air Canada", and "Half Man, Half Amazing". In December 2004, Carter was traded to the New Jersey Nets, where he continued to put up big numbers. Carter has also played for the Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, Dallas Mavericks, Memphis Grizzlies, Sacramento Kings, and Atlanta Hawks. He received the Twyman–Stokes Teammate of the Year Award in 2016. Carter is an eight-time NBA All-Star.

Off the court, Carter established the Embassy of Hope Foundation, assisting children and their families in Florida, New Jersey, and Ontario. He was also recognized in 2000 as Child Advocate of the Year by the Children's Home Society, and he received the Florida Governor's Points of Light award in 2007 for his philanthropy in his home state.

除了在球場上有影響力,也致力於慈善事業,真的很不錯。很開心跟Carter 同一個時代,見證他的經典片段。



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