Taiwan Baseball CPBL most popular team - CTBC Brothers quick guide

Taiwan Baseball CPBL most popular team - CTBC Brothers

The CTBC Brothers (Chinese: 中信兄弟) or simply Brothers are a professional baseball team in Taiwan. The team was originally established as an amateur team in 1984 by the Brother Hotel located in Taipei City, and later joined the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) in 1989. Brother Hotel's chairman Hung Teng-sheng (洪騰勝) also acted as CPBL's secretary-general from 1987 to 1991. The Brothers are currently owned by Hua Yi, a subdivision of CTBC Holding.

With its long history from the amateur era plus a successful marketing strategy and management, the team has long been one of the most popular Taiwanese baseball teams, winning the CPBL championship on seven occasions.

The team has always worn yellow uniforms. Its current home is in Taichung, with the home field at the Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium.

(If  you want to know more about CPBL, the official website: http://www.cpbl.com.tw/eng/history/)

You can get CTBC Brother player list in CPBL STATS CTBC Brothers 'age http://cpblstats.com/chinatrust-brothers/

Potential CTBC Brothers Milestones and Records in 2020
  • Lin Chih-Sheng breaking CPBL home run record at 289 (283)
  • Lin Chih-Sheng 300th home run (283)
  • Chang Chih-Hao 1000th hit (970)
  • Chen Tzu-Hao 100th home run (75)
  • Lin Chi-Shen 1000th run scored (986)
want to know more about CTBC Brothers famous player.
this season I would suggest follow these 2 players

  • 7 Chang Chih-Hao(張志豪)
  • 28 Ariel Miranda 

7 Chang Chih-Hao(張志豪)

The 32-year-old centre fielder is considered to be one of the best in the league. Chang Chih-Hao, who earned the nickname “Spider-Man” for his defensive ability, the man has a huge range along with a great arm to throw the runners out. Hitting wise, he is known for being a clutch hitter that can perform under pressure. (Quick Guide to 2020 CPBL Season)

7 Chang Chih-Hao(張志豪) profile
another player is new to Taiwan, it is his 1st year in CPBL !

28 Ariel Miranda 

Ariel Miranda Gil (born January 10, 1989) is a Cuban professional baseball pitcher for the Chinatrust Brothers of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL). He has played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Baltimore Orioles, Seattle Mariners and Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB).

28 Ariel Miranda profile

if you want to know more about CTBC Brothers , suggest to follow CPBL STATS news: http://cpblstats.com/?s=CTBC+Brothers

especially search the name " 16 Chou Szu-Chi"

a lot of story for  "16 Chou Szu-Chi"

enjoy your CPBL baseball game :)

Taiwan Baseball CPBL most popular team - CTBC Brothers  related website:

CTBC Brothers online shop (Overseas Shipping Available) https://www.smallpotatoshop.com/pages/oversea-1

Official Twitch Twitch-BROTHERS TV【中信兄弟官方頻道】
famous Qun 

峮峮Qun🍒(@qun_04)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Other CPBL team introduction:


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