快速打包應用程式到QNAP NAS (QDK, QPKG)

目前我們使用github 分享 關於打包應用到QNAP NAS 請參考

下方連結為打包 app 說明文件及開發工具下載位置請參考

For a start on developing on QNAP, developers can find the related information in the following link:

In our experience, most developers are interesting in file management API and Download Station API, please refer to

If they are interesting in other API documents, please refer the index file here (http://download.qnap.com/dev/Index_of_All_API_Document.zip)

If they are plan to develop the App that running on NAS, following is the quick start guide:

- Download link of QDK for NAS http://download.qnap.com/QPKG/QDK/QDK_2.2.14.zip


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