QNAP NVR Solution Safeguards Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort & Spa in Portugal

QNAP NVR Solution Safeguards Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort & Spa in Portugal
Application: Scenic spots

Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort and Spa is a five-star tourist resort located in Albufeira da Aguiera, Portugal. The resort covers an area of 35 hectares, consisting of 152 apartments and villas, a hotel, a multi-purpose pavilion with a 400-capcity restaurant, and a marina with 400 berths for nautical activities.

ChallengesCovering a large area of land and offering diverse services and facilities, Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort and Spa found the original CCTV security system insufficient to meet their surveillance requirements. They invested large amount of human resources and money in maintaining the old system, however, the performance was lower than expected. After comparing several solutions, the resort chose QNAP's VioStor NVR, for its high quality IP-based surveillance, high reliability, and cost efficiency.

"QNAP VS-5020 VioStor NVR was chosen for setting up the IP-based surveillance system for Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort and Spa," said Turrion Leite, consulting engineer of Portugal Telecom, the project installer. "The VS-5020 is able to record the videos from up to 20 IP cameras and monitor maximum 128 IP cameras from multiple NVR servers. The QNAP NVR is compatible with over 1,000 models of different brands. This allows us to flexibly choose the IP cameras, indoor or outdoor, low-light filter, water-proof, or megapixel, for different areas in the resort according to their functionalities."

The VioStor NVR offers user-friendly software features which can all be operated by one single web interface. The security guards from the resort can be trained quickly to use the monitoring, video recording, playback, and remote backup functions of the NVR. Moreover, the VS-5020 houses five 500GB hard drives, providing more than sufficient space for video recording in long run. The NVR also offers RAID 1 and 5+hot spare features which safeguard the recording data against hard drive failure, providing the resort with an extra peace of mind.

Feedback and Future Plan
Montebelo Aguieira Lake Resort & Spa has set up a monitoring spot at the reception and is going to establish another one in the restaurant to help the store manager observe the dining behavior of the customers in order to improve their services. This type of multi-purpose surveillance management not only enables business owners to manage more effectively but also increases the overall security of the resort by using only one network-based security system.

The Visus Video (OptiVisus) is a company operating in the ICT market since 1989 which is dedicated in importing, distribution and servicing of CCTV systems, IP (transmission equipment for video over IP and digital recording), Telecommunications/ Networking and equipment for ISDN/ ADSL and Cable, the products and brands it represents, being for several years a major company in the National CCTV market.

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