What is PRL ?

什麼是PRL ?

PRL (Preferred Roaming List)

The PRL is a list of information that resides in the memory of a digital phone. It lists the frequency bands the phone can use in various parts of the country. (The smaller bands within Cellular or PCS, technically called blocks.)

Since a PRL tells the phone "where" to search for a signal, as carrier networks change over time, an updated PRL may be required for a phone to "see" all of the coverage that it should.

wiki : PRL

other PRL

網路上查詢 PRL在 英文的定義結果:

* Prolactin: Pituitary hormone which stimulates and may cause an absence of menstruation.

* Platmin Resources Ltd., a corporation incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.

* Authorization for the public performance of a song by someone other than the copyright holder ( you do not need a PRL to perform your own work! ...


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