系統開發 談什麼是toolchain

wiki:toolchain In software, a toolchain is the set of computer programs (tools) that are used to create a product (typically another computer program or system of programs). The tools may be used in a chain, so that the output of each tool becomes the input for the next, but the term is used widely to refer to any set of linked development tools.

 wiki:GNU toolchain The GNU toolchain is a blanket term for a collection of programming tools produced by the GNU Project. These tools form a toolchain (suite of tools used in a serial manner) used for developing applications and operating systems. 


 做embedded system是需要toolchain。但當編譯某些Library或是open source的程式時,若遇到廠商所提供的toolchain版本過舊而產生錯誤,就要自己建力特定版本的toolchain來解決問題。 


另外推薦CodeSourcery http://www.codesourcery.com/ 據說CodeSourcery的幾個員工都是領導 GCC 發展的大人物,所以CodeSourcery 出品的 toolchain品質有保證。

除了Embedded System

以下是一些常見的 toolchain 組合:
  1. Web 開發:HTML/CSS/JavaScript + React + Node.js + Express + MongoDB
  2. 行動應用程式開發:Java/Kotlin/Objective-C/Swift + Android/iOS SDK + React Native/Xamarin/Flutter
  3. 嵌入式系統開發:C/C++ + GCC + GDB + Make + OpenOCD
  4. 機器學習開發:Python + NumPy + TensorFlow + Keras + Jupyter Notebook
  5. DevOps:Git + Jenkins/Travis CI/CircleCI + Docker + Kubernetes


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