STARBIT Innovation, a pioneer company focus on blockchain service and Metaverse application. In 2018, STARBIT took the lead in launching the first decentralized-exchange 「STARBIT EX」in Asia. In 2021, we launched third-party wallet, and develop NFT platform「Jcard」. STARBIT received investment and support from the National Development Fund(NDF) in July 2019. This proves STARBIT has the potential to bloom in the blockchain industry. 2021/June, STARBIT cooperated with ASUS to construct the 1st generation of blockchain infrastructure for Taiwan - 「Taiwan BaaS」. 2022/Feb, STARBIT received investment from Acer. Hand in hand building metaverse entrance, and penetrate into security area - 「BCA 」(Blockchain Contract Audit) service. STARBIT is the best choice of blockchain/Web3/Metaverse solution in the coming digital world. 區塊鏈技術公司先驅 2018年STARBIT首推全亞洲第一間分散式交易所,專注於區塊鏈應用程式設計並投入底層鏈建置、證券型代幣STO、NFT平台與元宇宙的生態開發。 2019年7月,STARBIT獲得國發基金(NDF)的投資。隔年7月攜手華碩雲端,共同幫科技部建立台灣第一代區塊鏈服務基礎建設 - 「Taiwa...