2010 best acer android phone : acer stream

2010 best acer android phone : acer stream

wiki: Acer Stream

first show in Computex  Acer Stream preview at Computex 2010

then sell  Acer's Android-powered Stream confirmed for Expansys-exclusive August 9th launch

How you think about  acer stream ?

stream get 3.5 / 5 

and compare with HTC Desire !!

Now, none of this is to be sniffed at. They're all good things to have but, ultimately, Acer has a bit of a mountain to climb in the mobile space and it's probably going to need something more substantial to take customers away from the Desire. Probably what it would need most would be an equal or better level of appeal in the hand and, more importantly, a high standard of usability.

Read more: Acer Stream vs HTC Desire - Pocket-lint http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/34547/acer-stream-vs-htc-desire#ixzz1ABOHg3AJ


  1. 瑞銀證的吐嘈包括,宏碁在2008年第三季度完成收購倚天,到至目前為止,在手機出貨量方面並沒有明顯的進展。據Gartner稱,宏碁出貨在2009年手機出貨25萬2790台,而去年前三季出貨38萬1700台。暫不論組織結構的議題,瑞信證認為宏碁犯了一個誤導性戰略,宏碁手機策略朝廉價的智慧型手機。但市場消費者顯然要的不是價格便宜。瑞信證表示,消費者評估不同的智慧型手機,價格可能不是最關鍵要考慮的因素,而是消費者使用經驗。





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