幫助土耳其地震的捐款教學(信用卡) 土耳其位處多條活躍斷層線上,是全球地震活動最頻繁的國家之一。最近一次造成嚴重災難的地震是土東的萬恩省(Van)2011年10月規模7.2強震及餘震。北安那托利亞斷層(North Anatolian fault)是安那托利亞板塊和歐亞大陸板塊之間的右移斷層,為土耳其最具破壞潛力的斷層線。 === 2020/10 愛琴海地區今天發生規模7.0強震,重創土耳其及希臘,造成多棟建物全倒及損壞,並引發小規模海嘯,情況嚴重,不幸傷亡情形還在增加中。 對於土、希兩國面臨如此嚴峻的災害,台灣政府及人民,在此表達最誠摯的關切與慰問。我們將持續密切注意災情後續發展,以及土、希兩國是否有需要向國際請援,並研議如何在武漢肺炎疫情下,仍能提供必要的協助。希望受創地區儘速重建家園,災民很快獲得安置、回復正常生活。 #天佑土耳其 #天佑希臘 In the wake of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit the Aegean Sea off Greece and Turkey on Friday, causing a tsunami, killing at least 14 people across Turkey and Greece and destroying at least 20 buildings in the city of Izmir in Turkey, the people and the government of Taiwan would like to express condolences to both countries. Assistance measures will be drawn up to help with the rescue effort on request from the governments of the two countries. Our thoughts are with the victims and we hope life will return to normal as soon as possible for those affected. === 2020/01 土耳其 東部艾拉齊省(Elazig)24日發生規模6....