Intents List: Invoking Google Applications on Android Devices 有些更新! Google Maps URI : geo:latitude,longitude geo:latitude,longitude?z=zoom geo:0,0?q=my+street+address geo:0,0?q=business+near+city Google Streetview URI : google.streetview:cbll=lat,lng&cbp=1,yaw,,pitch,zoom&mz=mapZoom (The cbll field is required. The cbp and mz fields are optional.) -- 其他 : 顯示地圖 Uri uri = Uri.parse("geo:38.899533,-77.036476"); Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); startActivity(it); 路徑規劃 Uri uri = Uri.parse(" f=d&saddr=startLat%20startLng&daddr=endLat%20endLng&hl=en"); Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); startActivity(it); //where startLat, startLng, endLat, endLng are a long with 6 decimals like: 50.123456 // 把把起點終點以經緯度表示然後丟給google map 去做路徑規劃