
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章


QNAP 採用EXT4 不採用BTRFS原因 讀寫效能比EXT4差很多 快照混在工作磁碟區裡 無法區隔工作磁碟區和快照儲存區 資料儲存空間管理困難 評測影片: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NAS.World/permalink/1784142828550586/ 完整說明: 補充基本說明影片:NAS 很簡單!基本儲存和網路技術大解密 教學影片:QNAP儲存空間性能優化及容量擴充術 相關資源: QNAP 儲存效能典範實務 QNAP QTS 儲存空間管理 若要在 QNAP NAS 使用快照功能,必須滿足哪些需求? 更多NAS應用: 虛擬機  https://www.qnap.com/ solution/virtualization- station-3/zh-tw/ 資料自動分層 Auto Tiering : https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=QA6hV491TPU 網路擴充櫃 VJBOD: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=I7-5Zc2xBXU 搜尋博士 Qsirch : https://www.qnap.com/ solution/qsirch/zh-tw/ 自動歸檔Qfiling : https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=00FsR7k93DM 全功能備份Hybrid backup sync:  https://www.qnap.com/ solution/hybrid-backup-sync/ zh-tw/ Dropbox-like 檔案同步: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=vJJ1Hyp6BSA 集中控管中心 Qcenter : https://www.qnap.com/ solution/qcenter/index.php? lang=zh-tw 網管&資產管理  https://www.qnap.com/ solution/qrm/zh-tw/ 網路自動化 IFTTT : https://www.youtube.com/ watch?...

IoT Development and Applications with QIoT Suite Lite and QBoat

QNAP is heading to IoT Learn how to create IoT application on QNAP QIoT QNAP IoT Solution - QIoT Suite Lite introduction !! QIoT Suite Lite   QIoT Container  QNAP demo in Cebit2017 A smart home empowered by QIoT Suite Lite and multimedia apps QNAP demonstrates strong, intelligent, Internet-powered integration to empower smart lifestyles with many apps and features. Not only does QVR Pro provide a next-generation QNAP surveillance solution, it also works with QIoT Suite Lite's easy-to-use integrated IoT modules for makers to create customized event-driven recordings.  By using the QIVA app, QNAP NAS turns into an IVA server, and users can customize event notifications to devices powered by QIoT Suite Lite. For example, if QIVA detects flames, it signals QIoT Suite Lite to trigger the Buzzer, attached to Arduino Yun, as a fire alarm. Visitors also have the chance to see Fibaro® home automation solutions.  While “ Cinema28” enables multi-zo...

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