土耳其地震 台灣民眾捐贈物資協助災民





A 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated southern Turkey near the Syrian border, with over 10,000 deaths, and the situation is dire. Male actor Wu Feng, who has been developing in Taiwan for many years and is from Turkey, personally contacted the local NGO organization "AKUT Rescue Association" and shared the latest progress in collecting supplies on the evening of the 10th. "Thanks to all the Taiwanese who helped."

Wu Feng expressed his feelings in a Facebook post, saying that after the earthquake in Turkey, Taiwan extended a helping hand to help my hometown in the first moment, "no wonder the former prime minister of Turkey said: Taiwan is our citizen."

The Turkish office and Tzu Chi are conducting a donation campaign, and Wu Feng went to the warehouse on the 10th to see the situation on the spot. "I didn't expect that several tons of supplies would flow in one day! Even the representative of Turkey was very surprised! Taiwan has donated so many things to the disaster victims in Turkey. The boxes in the warehouse are so full that even the parking lot is starting to jam!"

Wu Feng said that this activity will be until 4 PM on February 15th, and you can donate new clothes for winter (tops, pants, socks, hats, scarves, shoes, etc.), or you can also donate warm bags, sanitary cotton, diapers, tents, tent sleeping pads, sleeping bags, insulation bottles, etc. "I am very grateful to all the Taiwanese who are helping. I was almost crying on the spot! You are really great."


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