
目前顯示的是 12月, 2017的文章

QuAI 機器學習開發平台登場 - QNAP NAS 就是人工智慧開發的敲門磚

更多訊息可以上FB: QuAI Community  https://www.facebook.com/QNAPQuAI/ 參考資訊: QNAP QTS 4.3.4  https://www.qnap.com/qts/4.3.4/zh-tw QNAP QIoT  http://qiot.qnap.com/en AI 相關教學文章: 如何在QNAP NAS上使用GPU 使用Intel OpenVINO 做推論及優化 在QNAP NAS上設定TensorFlow 有任何問題歡迎留言一起討論

威聯通最新 QTS 4.3.4 正式版登場!即刻升級獲得標配快照保護,多項服務效能與影音體驗最佳化

威聯通最新 QTS 4.3.4 正式版登場!即刻升級獲得標配快照保護,多項服務效能與影音體驗最佳化 台灣,台北,2017 年 12 月 25 日  – 威聯通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 今日釋出最新 NAS 作業系統 QTS 4.3.4 正式版,以「源自儲存本質的思考與改變」為核心概念,提供更高效、多工與高安全性的全方位 NAS 解決方案。

Binary Classification (二元分類)

Binary Classification (二元分類) Binary  or  binomial classification  is the task of  classifying  the elements of a given  set  into two groups (predicting which group each one belongs to) on the basis of a  classification rule . Contexts requiring a decision as to whether or not an item has some  qualitative property , some specified characteristic, or some typical binary classification include: Medical testing  to determine if a patient has certain disease or not – the classification property is the presence of the disease. A "pass or fail"  test method  or  quality control  in factories, i.e. deciding if a specification has or has not been met – a  Go/no go  classification. Information retrieval , namely deciding whether a page or an article should be in the  result set  of a search or not – the classification property is the relevance of the article, or the usefulness to the user. rela...

QNAP NAS 也可以安裝GPU了 擴充顯示卡,效能提升

QNAP NAS 也可以安裝GPU了 擴充顯示卡,效能提升

Q: Why do we have to use Python?

Q: Why do we have to use Python?  A: Python is an open-source language, anyone can use it from anywhere in the world. It is widely used in academics (research labs) or in the industry. It has a useful library "Numpy" that makes math operations very easy. Python has several deep learning frameworks running on top of it (Tensorflow, Keras, PaddlePaddle, CNTK, Caffe, ...) and you are going to learn some of them. It is also easy to learn. Furthermore, we believe Python has a good future, as the community is really active and builds amazing stuff.

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