2012 手機回顧 Acer S500

2012 手機回顧 Acer S500 ,算是Acer近期手機代表作。跟當時手機的一些數據比較,有些優勢,相機還不錯,且還有Acer的雲端服務Acer Cloud。

  Acer S500 iPhone 4S HTC One S
Size 4.3 3.5 4.3
Resolution 1280 * 720 960 * 640  960 * 540
PPI 342 Retina+ 330 Retina 256
啟動相機時間 0.7s 1.1s 0.7s
錄影中拍照 Yes NA Yes
全景拍攝 Yes, 27MP NA Yes, 21MP


不過Acer 2010年以來新聞主要都是PC市場下滑,各地NB市占率排名變動以及蘭奇風風雨雨等能見度比較高,到2012下半年重點Megan Fox代言的Ultrabook S7新聞比較占版面,平板電腦跟手機曝光度還不夠需要多加油。

回歸主題S500,前面的表格感覺很酷,但實際上市場上的反應究竟是甚麼,從以下國外評語可以知道 (來源:Acer CloudMobile S500 review: Out of the blue)

We first heard of the Acer CloudMobile S500 a couple of weeks before the Mobile World Congress in February. Back then it was supposed to be a cream of the crop, flagship device with a dual-core Krait chip, 720p screen and the latest Android on board - the stuff superphones were made of. But as the months passed we saw One X, Galaxy S III and Optimus G. and the CloudMobile S500 gradually began to fade into irrelevance.

Time to market的重要性,畢竟同時間還有很多強悍的對手,造成Acer S500光芒被遮蓋了。

Then Acer released the CloudMobile S500 with a lower price tag and all of a sudden everything made sense - it was relevant again. It would be a challenge to find a cheaper phone with an HD screen and Krait-powered processor contract-free. The company seems to have cut the right corners and struck a great balance between affordability and solid smartphone experience.

之所以會晚一點點推出也許就是因為走另外一個價格,如果Acer搶先推出這個價格的S500 市場會亂,Acer還在找自己的市場,目前看來就是中高階,或說 便宜高階,因此Acer不會是最先推出高規格菜單的領頭羊。Anyway 希望Acer 2013也可以持續推出好手機。



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