Taiwan CPBL team Rakuten Monkeys Quick Guide

The Rakuten Monkeys (Chinese: 樂天桃猿; pinyin: Lètiān Táoyúan), formerly First Financial Holdings Agan (第一金控金剛, abbreviated 第一金剛), La New Bears (La New熊) and then the Lamigo Monkeys (Lamigo桃猿), are a professional baseball team in the Chinese Professional Baseball League in Taiwan. Owned and administered by the Kaohsiung-based shoe-producing La New Corporation and then the Japan-based electronic commerce and online retailing company Rakuten, the Bears qualified for the playoffs in 2006 for the first time in team history, and by finishing with the best record for the whole season, gained an automatic berth in the Taiwan Series.

The team played their home games at Chengcing Lake Baseball Field in Kaohsiung County (now part of Kaohsiung City) from 2004 to 2010. In the 2011 season, their home stadium was moved to Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium. Accordingly, the team's name was changed to the Lamigo Monkeys, and the current owner Rakuten maintains the "Monkeys" name.

for the Rakuten Monkeys roster this season please refer to http://cpblstats.com/rakuten-monkeys/

Rakuten Monkeys Potential Milestones and Records in 2020
  • Chu Yu-Hsien 100th home run (84)
  • Kuo Yen-Wen 100th home run (78)
  • Kuo Yen-Wen 1000th hit (968)
  • Chen Yu-Hsun 100th save (92)
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 Rakuten Monkeys

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