QNAP Surveillance System Successfully Launched in Chinese Culture University

QNAP Surveillance System Successfully Launched in Chinese Culture University
Taipei, Taiwan, November 2008 - QNAP Security today announced its digital network surveillance (NDVR) server VioGate-340 is adopted by the Chinese Culture University (CCU), Taiwan to set up a large-scale emergency alarm system. In an area of nearly 111 hectares, 55 surveillance servers and 42 emergency alarms are installed to enhance the campus security.

The VioGate-340 NDVR supports GPIO devices and the emergency alarms are connected to the servers. When an accident occurs, the victim can press the emergency buttons which will beep and glow in red instantly. The server will be triggered to send voice and SMS text messages to alert the security guard and the campus security centre.

At the same time, the monitoring screen of the server displays an electronic map and switches to show the camera image of the location where the accident takes place for the system administrator to watch the accident spot closely.
The exclusive management software VioGate Master is provided for collective monitoring of the surveillance cameras in the campus. The system administrator can select to view any camera channel connected to any VioGate server from anywhere on the web-based GUI. The electronic map (Emap) provides the best graphical management of the monitoring locations and the alarms. By uploading the Emap, the administrator can easily indicate the location of the cameras and the emergency buttons. When an alarm device is triggered, the camera channel where the event occurs pops up on the monitoring interface to display the real-time image and alert the security guard instantly. "QNAP's NDVR surveillance system plays an important role in safeguarding the facilities, students and staff in the CCU campus from libraries, dormitories, faculties, halls, and sports complexes etc. The entire system runs 24x7 and supports instant alert to the system in 2 seconds and sending SMS text messages in 7 seconds, allowing the security guard to respond to any accidents in the campus in time", said Peace Kuo, Senior Product Manager from QNAP Security.

The digital network surveillance (NDVR) and network surveillance (NVR) solutions from QNAP are highly scalable surveillance systems that enable flexible integration of the analog-based and IP-based cameras. They support the widest range of the network cameras from Axis, Panasonic, Canon, Sony, Sanyo, D-Link, Arecont, Mobotix, IQeye, GANZ, Vivotek, ACTi, Toshiba and LevelOne etc. and are compatible with GPI devices for event handling. The Linux OS is embedded on the surveillance system which guarantees lower chances of virus attack or hacking compared to PC-based solution. The recording data can be saved on the built-in hard drives or to a remote storage location (e.g. QNAP NAS). For further information of QNAP NDVR and NVR solutions, please visit www.qnapsecurity.com.

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