
目前顯示的是 8月, 2008的文章

GtkContainer 概念介紹

GtkContainer : "gtk_container_get_focus_vadjustment () GtkAdjustment* gtk_container_get_focus_vadjustment (GtkContainer *container); Retrieves the vertical focus adjustment for the container. See gtk_container_set_focus_vadjustment(). container : a GtkContainer Returns : the vertical focus adjustment, or NULL if none has been set. gtk_container_set_focus_vadjustment () void gtk_container_set_focus_vadjustment (GtkContainer *container, GtkAdjustment *adjustment); Hooks up an adjustment to focus handling in a container, so when a child of the container is focused, the adjustment is scrolled to show that widget. This function sets the vertical alignment. See gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment() for a typical way of obtaining the adjustment and gtk_container_set_focus_hadjustment() for setting the horizontal adjustment. The adjustments have to be in pixel units and in the same coordinate system as the allo

GTK中對於Key Values的解釋

GTK中對於Key Values的解釋 Key Values : "gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval () gboolean gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval (GdkKeymap *keymap, guint keyval, GdkKeymapKey **keys, gint *n_keys);

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